Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maria Mak - Real Estate Websites you need to visit

Throughout the history of the Real
Estate Board of Greater Vancouver,
they’ve positioned themselves on
the cutting edge of technology and
developed some of the most industry-
altering programs and websites.
While real estate remains a people
business, consumers today have access
to scores of informat ion that can
help them find a REALTOR®, find a
property and connect all the dots in
between – all at the click of a mouse!
Here’s a list of useful site:

The Real Estate Board of Greater
Vancouver’s (REBGV) website offers
visitors a 360-degree look at local real
estate, providing detailed MLS® statistics,
monthly podcasts, consumer guidance
and other information and links.
On the site, you can track home prices
in your neighbourhood, search for a
REALTOR®, read about government
initiatives that impact local real estate,
and learn about various cost-savings
programs. The site features a wealth
of consumer information related to
buying and selling a home, from checklists
and FAQ’s to market data and
community profiles. One of the most
important measures in real estate is the
MLS®Link Housing Price Index (HPI),
and this website contains the latest HPI
data as well as a comprehensive breakdown
of home values across the region.

Log on and play ‘Adventures in Real Estate’.
Built and maintained by the Canadian
Real Estate Association, this site is filled
with good information for those looking
to buy or sell a home. As a bonus, there’s a
game that helps you test your knowledge
of buying and selling real estate. ‘Adventures
in Real Estate’ is an interactive game
that allows you to walk in the shoes of a
buyer or seller. Along the way, you’ll run
into several common instances associated
with buying and/or selling, with the
option of going it alone or asking a realtor.

The Real Estate Council of British
Columbia is the body responsible for
licensing and regulating realtors in
B.C. Their website is full of valuable
consumer protection information, as
well as information on how to become
a realtor. One of the features of this
site is the Complaints & Discipline
section, which allows consumers to
file complaints and get information
about recent disciplinary decisions.

Formerly, this is the most
comp r e h e n s i v e r e a l e s t a t e l i s t -
i n g w e b s i t e i n t h e c o u n t r y .
Used extensively by Canadian realtors
and their clients, this website is the
most popular home listing website in
Canada. Last June, the Canadian Real
Estate Association (CREA) re-designed
the site. This change brought upgraded
search functions and capabilities, which
provide a streamlined experience for
people using the site. Using Microsoft
Virtual Earth technology, the site’s interactive
mapping capabilities allow users
to view active listings as they appear on
the map. As users zoom in and out of
specific areas, the map automatically
refines the display to show as many of
the active listings as possible within that
level of depth. Rolling your cursor over
one of the red dots that represents a
listing on the map will display a thumbnail
view of the property’s specifics.
The updated s i te features l inks
to the REALTORS® Care Foundat
ion and www.howreal

Learn about the real estate market
and homes for sale in Greater
Va n c o u v e r a n d t h e p r o v i n c e .
The Realtylink website is a resource for
people looking to buy or sell a home in
B.C. The website contains home listings
for properties across the province. You
can find a REALTOR® in your community
or learn about the
mortgage process and details
regarding offers and completion.
If you’re looking for a property
in B.C., you can search by area
or MLS® number. If you’re looking
for a realtor, you can search
by name, company or area of
specialty. The site also features
links to online versions of the
Realtylink In-Print newspaper
produced for each geographical
area of Metro Vancouver.

For all your real estate services, please
Contact Maria Mak and my team at
Sutton Centre Realty at
604-839-6368 or visit my website at
, you’ll be smiling too!

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